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Thursday, 21 January 2016

How I Burn Fat Snacking and Flying

Snacking is probably the worst habit all pilots and cabin crew have to endure and it's not our fault! In this post I'll cover the reasons why flight crew snack, how we can deal with snacking and how I snack to help burn fat!

I love this quote used by Zoe Harcombe:

"You are not a cow, stop grazing"

Zoe is a leading UK obesity expert working against the worlds obesity epidemic. This quote details the "normal" life of 3 to 6 full meals a day that would be welcomed into any healthy lifestyle. However, the days of the 25 minutes turn around are here to stay, with just enough time to catch our breath, a "sit down" meal eaten slowly and enjoyably is unlikely to happen (unless you are in the long haul business then reason #1 below is more likely your snacking excuse).

So, snacking will be part of our daily lives as Flight Crew and there are several reasons for this:

1. Boredom
2. No time to eat a "sit down" meal
3. Living out of a suitcase 
4. Commuting to work
5. Unnatural body clock due to work pattern

Let's be honest, there's only so much monitoring of the instruments and the blue yonder outside we can gaze at before our tummys rumble and a subconscious hand movement leads us to the food bags! Boredom is definitely the #1 reason we snack. Even in the cabin, a quiet passenger load or not so talkative crew can lead to boredom at 30000ft!

But how can we overcome this? Or should we accept this will happen and prepare ourselves for our bodies drive to keep us entertained and supply us with nutritious foods?

I don't want to fight against my body or my subconscious mind, there's only one winner in the long term. With so many things going on around me I won't win this battle, so this is what I do....


The 5 P's - Preparation Prevents P**s Poor Performance is the key!

I know the day I am about to live, my roster tells me this. I know the meals I have available to me, my roster tells me this and I know I will want to snack as my roster tells me this. Through examining your roster you will see the eating pattern that you are likely to follow that day. 

Prepare your snacks before work and you won't let your unhealthy subconscious mind choose your foods!

My top 4 foods for snacking are:

1. Nuts and Seeds

I always carry a bag of my favourite nuts and seeds : almonds, cashews and pumpkin seeds.
These are wholesome foods providing essential fats and proteins. 

I avoid peanuts as a snack, even if they are unsalted, as the way the body digests peanuts is different to other nuts and results in a less fat burning effect! 

2. Vegetables 

All vegetables apart from potatoes are good snack foods.Carrots and Celery are easily carried in ones flight bag and can be eaten raw. Vegetables provide fibre and carbohydrates to your diet without the extra sugar content of fruits, so this is my preferred choice of snack. Don't limit yourself these foods will fill you and not your fat cells!

3. Dark Chocolate 

That's right ... Chocolate! Dark chocolate with cocoa content of 70% or more will satisfy your chocolate cravings without the added sugar content of normal chocolate bars. 

4. Mackerel 

The tinned version of this healthy oily fish is ideal for snacking. However,you may find problems with airport security so please check your airport. The fish is high in omega 3 fats and high in protein. Perfect for the car or commute to work. The tinned mackerel normally has a pull ring to easily open the tin. 

Thats my top 4 snacks whilst on the move. All are low in sugar, with mackerel, nuts and seeds providing valuable nutrition to our bodies with their proteins and essential fats.
This nutrition allows our bodies to burn fat and not store it.

The daily life of pilots and cabin crew is not the "normal life". We are unable to eat 3-6 healthy meals a day with the disruption we have to endure. So, don't fight against your body, work with it. Snack on healthy foods and be happy not hungry!

Try it today:

Prepare these nutritious snacks in your flight bag and never go hungry on the move again!


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