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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Best 5 Exercises For Your Hotel Room

Exercise is something you do to achieve your specific goal and HOW you exercise should be aimed at achieving that goal.

For example, if to run a marathon is your goal then expect to do a LOT of running! 

However, if your goal is to improve your health, lose some unwanted inches and just tone your body then resistance training is way you need to exercise to achieve this.

"But how can I train with resistance in my hotel room" I hear you say, and this is what many flight crew, pilots and cabin crew question.

I'm going to give you my top 5 resistance training exercises you can do in your hotel room or ANYWHERE really! So there's no excuses, turn off the TV and let's go.......

*Always warm up properly before exercise*


The squat uses your larger leg muscles predominantly quadriceps (thigh) and glutes (butt). 


1. Arms extended in front of you or overhead
2. Squat until your bum is below your knees
3. Rise back up
4. Keep your knees behind your toes, your weight on your heels
5. Keep back straight while you squat


The lunge is again another exercise that targets the larger leg muscles giving you more "bang for your buck"! You'll be using quadriceps (thigh), glutes (butt) and hamstrings (back of the thigh) during this move.


1Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up (pick a point to stare at in front of you so you don't keep looking down). Always engage your core by holding your tummy and lower back muscles tight.

2. Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far, and your other knee doesn't touch the floor. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.

3.Press Ups

An upper body move that targets your large chest muscles, the pecs, and also works your shoulders and triceps (back of the arm). 


1. Get into plank position, with your hands under but slightly outside of your shoulders. 

2. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.

3. As you lower yourself, tuck your elbows, pulling them close to your body so that your upper arms form a 45-degree angle when your torso is in the bottom position of the move.

4. Pause, then push back to the starting position as quickly as possible. Keep your core tight the entire time.

For beginners use your knees instead of your feet to hold the initial plank position, as shown below:

4.Bent Over Row

You'll need your crew bag for this one to work your lats (back muscles), shoulders and biceps (front of the arm). Targeting your large back muscles challenges more muscle in just one move, with the extra work being performed with your smaller shoulder and bicep muscles.


  • 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • 2. Bend your knees and lean forward at the hips, not the waist.
  • 3. Your back should be straight and your neck in line with your spine.
  • 4. Let the bag hang straight down at around knee level.
  • 5. Retract your shoulder blades and tense your core muscles (tummy and lower back) to stabilise your body.
  • 6. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the bag into your chest.
  • 7. Lower the bag slowly to the start.
  • 8. Hold your torso steady throughout the move.

5.The Plank

Let's not forget your core muscles. Your tummy and lower back is what we are here for right! The plank causes tension in all your abdominal (tummy) muscles and lower back muscles, whilst using all other muscle groups to stabilise you. A fantastic exercise to end the session on!


1. Hold yourself in the following position, concentrating on holding your tummy and lower back muscles tight together and parallel with the floor.

Thats a full body workout for FREE and you've not even left the hotel room!

The key to making the most of the exercises is to concentrate on achieving the perfect technique. This will ensure you work the muscle groups that the exercises are intended for and most importantly AVOIDING INJURY.

Happy Exercise,


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Diet Myths Revealed #1

Energy in equals energy out

When it comes to diet and exercise we have all heard the mantra “energy in equals energy out” just eat less and exercise more!

Diet "experts" even add the quote “we cannot change the laws of physics/the laws of the thermodynamics.”  But Is this what the laws of physics actually say?

This myth is fairly scientific, but if you can understand the mis-interpretations of these laws you will understand why so many diets based on calories DONT work if you wish for long term health and fat loss!

There are four laws of the thermodynamics, with only 2 laws that we apply to diet. The 2 laws we take into account are the first and  second laws, and neither of these say "energy in equals energy out".

The First Law 

"In a closed system, in thermal equilibrium, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it shall be conserved."

HOWEVER, the human body is NOT a closed system and it is not in thermal equilibrium (although it is contstantly trying to achieve equilibrium). 

Therefore, we also need to consider the second law.

The Second Law - Entropy

Energy will be lost and energy will be used up in making available energy. We need to take both of these into account.

This second law is known as the law of common sense and this is the law that proves that a calorie is not a calorie!

For example, 

the energy it takes to make a carbohydrate available to the body for energy compared to the energy used up converting a protein to usable energy is substantially different. 

100 calories of carbohydrate eaten may make 93 calories of energy available to the body; 

100 calories of protein eaten may make only 70 calories of energy available 

That’s a significant advantage for dieters and helps to explain the effectiveness of low carbohydrate diets.

The Human Body is NOT a simple machine.

These ‘laws of physics' were developed during the industrial revolution to help understand if we could make a perfectly efficient steam engine. The laws were and are all about energy, not weight

The laws say nothing about weight being conserved – we jump between energy and weight as if they are the same in the world of dieting and so our conversions and assumptions are wrong.

The laws of thermodynamics were never intended to become the fundamental principles of dieting. They do have some relevance to dieting, but only when they are correctly applied and when all the caveats are taking into consideration.

There is simply no law that says energy in equals energy out. Even if there were, the corollary would surely be – less energy in equals less energy out! 

So energy in does NOT equal energy out.  Through this understanding we can start to tackle many of the diet myths to allow us to develop a better understanding of nutrition, food and how it affects out bodies. 

Why not subscribe to our email list not to miss Diet Myth Revealed #2 the minute it's launched.....


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Fat Burning Breakfast On A Night Stop

As flight crew breakfast could be our only "meal" of the day, apart from our crew food, so how can we make the most of this important meal and make it a fat burning breakfast?

Firstly, the definition of breakfast is to "break the fast".

If throughout your night sleep you have not consumed any food or drinks (other than water), your body will be in a fasting state when you wake up and your blood sugar levels will be low.
To break the fast you need to consume food or drink that contains energy, in the form of carbohydrates, fats or protein what foods can we choose at the hotel breakfast buffet for a fat loss breakfast?

Fat Burning Breakfast for Flying 

The first rule of fat loss is to minimise your intake of starches and sugars in your breakfast. 

Examples of starches are breads, potatoes and cereals. 

Whilst food and drinks containing sugars include fruit juices, sugary cereals and cereal bars. Sauces, such as ketchup are mainly sugars. Even beans (often sold has a good source of protein!) have a tomoto sauce made with sugar.

Fruit juices seem to raise eyebrows when I say they should not be consumed as part of the fat loss breakfast, but let's think about what fruit juice actually is:

Fruit juice is the fruit WITHOUT the fibre. Effectively without fibre the fruit sugars (fructose), are digested quickly into your system providing energy whilst having a negative effect on your ability to burn fat! 

Fat loss is about providing your body with the nutrition to optimise health, whilst creating the right conditions for your body to burn its own fat stores.

We have already discussed what NOT to eat, so what should we have on our plate from the breakfast buffet ....


Eggs are a great source of fats, and in fact the yolk of the egg contains many vitamins essential for our health. The egg white is also a good source of protein.

Eggs can be cooked in various ways which impacts the nutrition of the food when other products get added. A poached egg is a great choice as is a boiled egg as it is cooked in its purest form in just water. 

Scrambled egg is also good, HOWEVER, at hotels the scrambled eggs may contain added sugars and creams to enhance the taste. Although, not off the menu, be aware of the hidden extras if you aim for a fat loss breakfast!

Fried eggs are often cooked in oils that lose their nutritional values when heated. For the same reason and cooked the same way is an omellate. Both can be used as part of a fat loss breakfast but poached and boiled eggs are the preferred choices.


Vegetables are a key part of the fat burning breakfast, adding vitamins, minerals and fibre to the meal, as well as carbohydrates. Unfortunately hotels vary vastly with the amount vegetables they offer at the breakfast buffet and our options are often limited.

Mushrooms, although usually fried, are a good source of b vitamins.

Peppers, cucumber and onions are sources of fibre, water and vitamins. All vegetables can add colour to your breakfast plate so enjoy as much vegetables as you like. Greens are best!


Fruits are high in natural sugars and should be consumed sparingly for a fat burning breakfast. 

Watermelon is high in water and fibre and so a good choice if you need that sweetness at your breakfast.


Meats are sources of proteins and fats, with limited carbohydrate content. Our bodies take longer to digest meats resulting in us "feeling full" for longer. This helps us to avoid those mid morning snacks and so forms an essential part of the fat burning breakfast.

Meat at the breakfast buffet includes sausages and bacon, although low in carbohydrate they are not high quality, nutritious meat choices. Sausage and bacon can be used in the fat burning breakfast, however you should limit the amount you consume.

Take yourself over to the cold meat section to find meats such as ham and turkey which are good choices for your fat burning breakfast, delivering more protein to your plate. Chorizo, salami and other highly processed meats should be minimised.


Oily fish such as mackerel and sardines are excellent choices for your fat burning breakfast. With essential fats in abundance, the nutrition oily fish provides us with makes them a very important part  a healthy lifestyle. Definitely put these superfoods on your plate!


Dairy comes in the form of milk, yogurt and cheese.  *Please be aware that many people now find themselves with a level of lactose intolerance. If this affects you please see your healthcare specialist and limit dairy products consumption.

Dairy products contain calcium, a key ingredient to healthy bones and teeth, but also "lactose", a form of sugar that can have an impact on our fat burning ability. 

Cheeses may be eaten as part of the fat burning breakfast with no added sugars they offer great taste to your breakfast. 

Yoghurts often come in many flavours, however to achieve such a taste many sugars are added and will have a negative impact on our fat burning ability. Low fat versions are the worse as the more sugar is added to replace the taste of fats.

Unflavoured Greek yoghurt is the best choice yoghurt offering higher values of protein and fats than other flavoured yogurts.


Water, coffee and tea are the breakfast drinks to consume.

Water provides our bodies with the fluid for hydration without any energy value. 

Black coffee and tea have very little energy value and will help us hydrate ourselves. They also contain caffeine that improves mental alertness.

Adding milk and sugar to your coffee or tea will take away the benefits of the pure brew has you are adding "energy" to the drink. Minimise these added extras!

Green tea and flavoured teas are normally used with just boiled water and this makes them a great choice for a flavoured morning drink.

Now leave the breakfast bar and let your body burn it's fat for the rest of the morning!!

If you have any fat burning breakfast stories or tips let me know in the comments below, we'll all love to hear them.

Happy Fat Burning,